Sunday, May 1, 2016

I finished Kevin :^)

Kevin was concerned that he did not look tough enough and would loose street cred. So he asked me to put a tattoo on his portrait. I put a few........ I also have non tatted Kev. But he asked for tattoos and tattoos he shall receive.

Btw Danny, thank you so much for all that you have taught me. I can't thank you enough. I will drop by sometime. :)


  1. Bravo.

    We'll miss you in class, Rick.

  2. haha! what have you done to Kevin's face!
    Rick you improve so much in Danny's class and thank you for your hard work! Good luck in Pat's class:)

  3. haha! what have you done to Kevin's face!
    Rick you improve so much in Danny's class and thank you for your hard work! Good luck in Pat's class:)
