Saturday, March 5, 2016

Student works and demo from previous weeks

Danny's demo

Yoona Oh

Eiffel Feng

Rick Hefner

Rick Hefner

1 comment:

  1. Thank you everyone for bringing awesome homework for this week!
    Below is a recommendation per student from Lim based on student's interest and to enhance the foundation skill. Below task is second priority, always work on Danny's assignment first.

    Yoona & Rick: Great job on homework, Work on 2 environment study, original artwork can be picked by, or your choice from favorite artist.

    Daniel: 2 still life study from life not from photograph.

    Kevin, Ana: Please post your hw

    Eiffel: Great work. 1 portrait study from photograph. Talk with Danny on your self portrait task, consult on lighting scenario and composition during class.

    *Danny, Are Jean and Jamie not enrolled to your class anymore?

    Thank you
