Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Direct/Diffuse Light Homework

Study the difference between diffuse and direct lighting on an interesting object set up at home. Begin by painting the still life in a diffuse(no direct lighting) set-up. The ambient light of your room should work fine. 
 The second painting is done by turning a direct light on your set-up. It does not have to be back-lit like the example. You may notice that you only have to paint the new light on your painting and not change much else! Pretty cool. 
 Notes: Pick an interesting object. A soap dispenser, a toy, a bottle, etc. A book on the table is not interesting. Don't make the set up too hard however. One object is good. Paint the background first. Notice how the shadows change between setups. Remember you are studying light logic and atmosphere, not the object, heavy rendering and materials just yet.
 Please post side by side and label exactly like the example below.